Luckily there were plenty of sofa's and cushions around so the knees survived...kinda.
Dorthonion wrote:
That's my kind of madness in all but one respect: there is nowhere in this house where minis on the floor would not be trampled by The Wargs.
We tried to barricade the lounge against the hellpup but she jumped straight over it and landed in the middle of some FC Men-at-Arms and dwarf rangers

thankfully, nothing was broken. She was promptly banished to the kitchen.
Unfortunately, the stress of battle proved too much for all 3 of us and early monday we decided to call it and focus on chilling and smaller games. We also created a beta version of LotR SBG: Survival Mode which proved much more fun. I can post the rules in another thread if people want to have a look.
Anyway, back to the mega battle. We got to the end of turn 2. Theoden got eaten by the Witchking, Aragorn survived an onslaught of magic and a charging cave drake, the monkey twins charged sauron and beat him in combat but failed to wound him. Murin led 4 dwarves and 5 sentinels into brave combat V one mumakil as Thorin and Dwalin led 10 dwarves into the second mumak. Murin's Mumak suffered 2 wounds and Thorins Mumak suffered 5 wounds. Never got to see the effects of the stampedes

ohwell. I also shot 30 shots at one beastmaster and only just killed him *phew*.
Boromir beat a dragon (no wounds) and an ent played warg bowling, in the process knocking down Suladan and the mouth of sauron.
For those who havent seen the
pictures. Link to facebook album. 
I'm hoping to get the other pictures from Muppet and knighty later this week and I'll get them posted up.