The Knight Models Gandalf arrived today - what a gorgeous sculpt! The model comes with a 29.5mm slottabase with slightly depressed top. The left hand, holding Glamdring, is separate, as is the right hand holding the staff. The scabbard is also a separate piece (but curiously, it seems to be much narrower than the blade of the sword). Here are some pics:

There's very little to clean up - I can hardly discern the mold line, and there are no large extra bits of metal protruding at the extremities. The base is about 5mm wider than the standard slottabase:

...but of course, the model can easily be mounted on a standard base instead of its own, larger one. Now, to the height comparison - here is a line-up of the Knight Models Gandalf (on a standard slottabase), two GW Gandalfs and GW Aragorn:

From the tabletop (i.e. the bottom of the base) to the top of the head, the Knight Models Gandalf measures 37.3mm - just about the same as the GW Aragorn standing next to him. The Khazad-dûm Gandalf is 34.6 mm, i.e. the Knight Gandalf is 2.7mm taller. I'm quite confident that I can easily use the Knight Models Gandalf in our LotR campaign photos - and the sculpt is, in my opinion, better than any GW Gandalf that I have. Highly recommended!