First of all stop with the negativity please , ive had my fair share of complaints towards me for it and to be frankly honest what im seeing is really does take the proverbial *** hypocritically speaking. Now as long as its available online GW or on internet (Ebay) its still "there" to acquire so stop being so dispondant. The days of wandering into local or GW shops for LOTR are gone!... accept it and move on. "Its all coming to an end" you say... well wait and see with the new Hobbit and what GW do with it in the coming 2 years. Expecting to see any new LOTR range models ... more chance of Silmarillon being turned into a film then GW buying rights and producing models based on that.
Smaug will most likely be a forge world model , that is if they want to give him his
grand worth shown in full scale , im thinking 2x mumaks size with merged base. Cost id say to do it justice in plastic around the 150 euros mark.
If we are looking at film scale then the Smaug would need to be half the biggest model forgeworld produce have which is that insanely expensive Tau Ship. (Erebor Guard barely comes up to 3/4 past Smaug Claw in the scene when he breaks through and stampedes , you can see a good idea of scale there ) How expensive this would be... let's just say ALOT of people will cry and cry and ... cry? in this case i would probably say in the region of 480-600 Euros mark.
That would be so fun to see , his wingspan would effectively be something near 16-20 inches wide although we have yet to see how big they will truly make him. If he is worse than the generic metal ( now Finecast ) model , then GW have well and truly failed in giving us such a huge " WOW Factor" in relation to the aesthetic of the design of Smaug.
On November the 30th 12:01 we shall know what lies in store for the Christmas Sales Period ( It has historically speaking commercially been the best time of sales.. that and of course the post Christmas spending money period) So it would be business suicide to mess it up royally. Hyping something up like the "big whew ha OMG AMAZING , I WANT!... that thirst to the customer and then saying " No sorry no models released till January", which would mean we not seeing any models till December 30th could be a very bad decision but i trust GW not to make that. At the end of the day WB want max profits , GW want max profits , we want max models!