Dorthonion wrote:
There is an old saying about how a real expert makes doing anything look easy. This is coming together so fast!
Can I suggest having a large fallen dead tree spanning the lesser gap between the island and the shore - high enough off the water so the barrels can pass below, but affording elves (and anyone else for that matter) the chance to get above them, like in the trailers for DoS. Maybe have it as an option - something that can be added in to provide a bit of variation on the game.
I wish I had this much time for making and space for tables
It is easy. It just takes time and experience to become expert. I hope by showing the WIP in stages to convince some of you to make your own terrain. I would not have been able to build a scenario table with out the Tree Fort Games owner's consent to build it and keep it there. I usually advocate modular terrain.
The fallen tree idea is a very good one.

This is the difference between a fixed diorama and a wargame table. If I go for super detail water and embed the island in resin I won't be able to move or remove it. I like the idea of using the table for different scales and your idea of the overhanging tree/fallen trees. I have almost decided to use Realistic Water and Water Effects instead of EnviroTex Lite resin. I will make that decision when I see the movie.
Thanks every one for the nice comments.
For today, I plan to base coat and dry brush the basic colors. I will apply a layer of Scenic Express pasture blend flock. I will leave the river flat dark blue until I see the movie at the midnight show Thursday.
I will Brush the Plaster snow out of the store trees and repaint them and flock them with Woodland Scenic dark green medium flock. I won't have time this week we are going to play Bolt action today.
I plan to make a new set of Mirkwood trees after I have seen the movie. I have cut bases that will fit the hills on this table.

I have something like this in mind.