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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:35 pm 
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Ah he would be a sizeable beasty indeed, and would cost more points. mr cave drake is fun but even with no Might he costs 165 points. The suggestion you make Ellorindar would push him 200+ points. And I guess we move from VH2K to EH2K territory. mm he was a mighty foe indeed.

Anfauglir (aka Carcharoth - The Red Maw) 300 points. Single Model (Legendary)
Spirit Monster M 10 F8/- S8 D7 A3 R2 C5 Mt 4

Weapons: Mouth and Claws. (hand weapons)

Can use the following epic actions as if he were an Epic hero:
Epic Rampage

Special Rules:
Terror. Extremely Hard to Kill.
Feral Charge. Gains +6 attacks on the charge (instead of +1)
Great Bite: In a Heroic Duel (that he calls or is called against him), if Anfuglir wins he automatically gains +2 on any rolls he makes on the heroic duel table.

Although He was killed by Huan the great hound of Valinor in the first age... So not *really* a WotR age beastie...

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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 2:04 pm 
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Maybe you're right. Although a War of Wrath expansion for the War of the Ring would be the first on my list for Santa ;)

I'd love to play test the first few of the werewolf ideas, especially the stand-alone monster version. What do you think?

I think these would make a good model for both the cavalry version and standalone monster version; ... od1460179a
what do you reckon?

I've had a peruse on the interwebs and they are slightly larger than the standard warg models, so I think they would be very suitable. They're also a little more muscular as compared to the weedy wargs. And if worse comes to worse, you've at least got a few more variations on the old wargs to throw into battle :D
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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 3:25 pm 
Elven Elder
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I'd be more partial to something like this for a werewolf it is a 30mm scale and is an abnormally large wolf for that scale anyways. Im also considering one for the White Warg without mount.


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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Fri Dec 20, 2013 4:15 pm 
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I'd noted those models before but they're rather expensive :S

They do look rather amazing though
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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 9:21 am 
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Right, in a vague attempt to pull this thread back on topic, but sticking with the Angmar list as a whole, what do you guys think of the lesser used evil forces?
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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 6:45 pm 
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As daersalon would say, "squishy" in desperate need of house rules I guess. Shame because I love the Angmar lists.

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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Sat Dec 21, 2013 8:57 pm 
Elven Elder
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With regards to the Werewolves, may I say thank you for the profile suggestion, I think I'll put a Monster Werewolf in my House Rules as a "Treat"

Speaking of Angmar in general, I love the Carn Dum Warbands and the Two Monsters, they're actually great. The ghosts 'n' stuff should never be used a a core, just support, and you should really always use allies.

I have use Angmar in WotR and Angmar and Dol Guldur are my two favourite armies generally speaking.

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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:50 pm 
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Anfauglir: mm vacillating between 300-350 points for him... as written.

Angmar: I like the concept, but Angmar is the smallest faction with only 12 troop/hero choices 15 if you add in the 3 nazgul attached to the faction). But I agree with GtW, Burhdur and Gulavhar are fun, even at VH2K. And I always take Carn Dum warband. The spirits always seem too pricey to get a non-squishy force together...

I still think Gundabad Blackshields should be a non-ally choice for Angmar... Mt Gundabad is in the middle of Angmar! (it extended both sides of the misty mountains) and The Witch King seconded the orcs of the Mountain to his cause.

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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 1:20 am 
Elven Elder
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daersalon wrote:
I still think Gundabad Blackshields should be a non-ally choice for Angmar... Mt Gundabad is in the middle of Angmar! (it extended both sides of the misty mountains) and The Witch King seconded the orcs of the Mountain to his cause.

That would fix the problems of overcosted units well and truly, as long as Blackshields were still rare.

If you went off the Hobbit films though, Gundabad is probably somewhere in Dol Guldor, which is an odd thought.

"I am the Flying Spagetti Monster. Thou shall have no other monsters before me"
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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 9:50 am 
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I personally find it rather strange that Buhrdur doesn't have inspiring leader trolls, since he's denoted as a troll chieftain. Aside from that, I would rate him as one of the best value heroes and monsters in the game. Either that or the excellent troll charge that the Mordor troll chief gets.

Angmar as a whole is a really interesting list- you have to really examine it carefully to get the best out of it and work your list so that each part compliments the others. You can utilise several different strategies- striking against the courage with the spirits bolstered by the tainted, or going for a hard line approach focusing around the carn dum war band (represented by men of rohan or other suitable models) and orcs.

The fact that the majority of the specialised units such as the shades, court of fallen kings, and spectral host all have their own special rules makes it all the more interesting, especially considering the awesome battle hosts given to angmar.

Indeed, the only odd one out in the angmar list would probably be the werewolf pack as it stands in the official rules- with the alterations made earlier in the thread however they become much more interesting.
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 Post subject: Re: Obscure Character Discussion: Cirdan
PostPosted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:12 am 
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I tried to take 2 shades with a force of gobbos. The shades reduce fight over everyone to 2. But gobbos only have fight 2! sounds like a nice combination. Coupled with the 'unfair' fight fate for the battlehost, then the mightiest epic hero would tremble at a mob of minor goblin heroes.

But in practice it didn't work, the goblins out paced the shades in their move, or their charge leaving the shades out of the way of a lot of the enemy. Or vulnerable to being attacked. The shades are.. useless.. I repeat, useless, themselves in combat. At 100 points for a shade they are... not really worth the points.

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