Dark Istari wrote:
l I read an article about the Games Workshop yearly sales and it was mentioned that the decision to invest in middle earth once again has paid off for games workshop and that the hobby was selling well and had increased sales for the company
Amarthadan wrote:
Yes, I read that too + When I asked about it at our local GW they said the Hobbit is doing great for the moment and sales are growing with each month.
This is all great news, hopefully it's company wide and not simply anecdotal and continues for the next couple of years.
Dark Istari wrote:
How can they expect us to build an army of these [Gundabad Orcs] if they are all in Finecast packs of 3?
I assume they don't. If they are FInecast then much like the Laketown Guard I assume GW are seeing these as the elites of the Azog's Hunters army list and so don't expect people to be buying lots. It's just a shame as it seems a lot of people were quite keen on building up larger armies of these. Having had another good look at the DOS book it certainly seems there's only 3 poses of sword and 3 of Pike so Finecast seems the most likely - shame.
Gilcris wrote:
It would actually be incredibly cool (best of both worldsy cool) if plastic boxes of 10 were still released, then these small blisters of specifically-equipped guys were available for more economical topping off of warbands.
This would be great but sadly I doubt it'll happen, nice idea though, that'd certainly be a good business model that I, and I expect many others, would get behind.
orc-archer wrote:
I would advice/suggest a boycott on them to show GW our reaction however.
I think this is absolutely the worst thing we could possibly do and encourage others to do. The hobby is what is is and it costs what it costs. Of course each player has the right to choose to buy as much as they want from whichever supplier they want but the only way we can encourage GW to keep supporting this game is to buy their products. Trying to organise a boycott is a negative approach that wouldn't get us anywhere.
LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
Yeah I dont know how anyone would have any interest in another Gandalf
I don't really understand this, SBG has always been a collector's game, in the first year of Fellowship everything was released in themed boxes with multiples of all the heroes, I don't recall complaints about there being to many Aragorns or Gandalfs back then. Sure, there are a ton of Gandalfs out there but what's the problem with having more choice? Several of the old Gandalf sculpts aren't available any more and this is the first Gandalf from the Hobbit range that allows you to buy him on his own. More models is surely a good thing no? It's not like because they've made this sculpt they HAVEN'T made a different DOS sculpt. I won't be getting him but it's nice to have a wide range, don't really see a negative
hollowcrown wrote:
I really hope there's some kind of "Battle of 5 Armies" starter set come out with Orcs, Wargs, Elves, Men and Dwarves and maybe even Thorin's Company so I can get a hold of the Dwarves and the new rule set.
Ha, one month into the new releases and we're already speculating about the next starter set?!?!? I hope there's one as well but lets ride this release for a few more months before we start all that speculation
LordoftheBrownRing wrote:
I would love that but I highly doubt they'll do it. They didnt even give us a Smaug one [starter set].
Assuming they do make a Smaug model there was never the slightest chance he would have been in a starter set - it would have been prohibitively expensive and had very few scenario options.
I'd like Escape from Goblin Town but I only really want the Dwarves and Bilbo, the Goblins are of no interest to me

If you're interested in the dwarves I've got the sprue in my trade thread, have a look and see if you've anything I'm after.
viewtopic.php?f=38&t=25680&p=322104#p322104blackuruk wrote:
Frostfall wrote:
I remember some people saying that there is lake-town scenery in the DoS book, the hobbit new release video on the GW website seems to further confirm this with obvious lake-town scenery used at a backdrop. Good news if true.
The scenery buildings in the background of the new release vids definitely looks plastic and does not look like anything that is currently out. Hopefully it will get released at some point!
Hmmm this would be nice, not sure though, I would've thought that it would've come out this month as part of the Laketown release? It'd be really nice and everything but I think it's probably more likely that it's just custom scenery made by the studio - fingers crossed though.
Apart from the obvious Finecast issues I like this release a lot, Bard's absolutely gorgeous and The Master and Alfrid are great, characterful sculpts, I'll be picking all 3 of those up. I think the Laketown Guard are absolutely stunning models too (particularly the archers), they're definitely far more detailed than your average warrior and, despite the price, I'll definitely be picking up a warband.
Finished 2nd in the 2014 GBHL. My Wife's so proud
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