Gandlaf the Grey wrote:
From the point of view of someone who only models, the option for diorama's was endless and my mind is tick tick ticking, however I will need to see this a few times more.
Yep I've been thinking along the same lines and my next big diorama/display project will be Barrels out of Bond (which I got for Christmas!

). The hobby options this film brings are huge!
As for the film itself, I'm afraid I was a little disappointed. I kind of liked it as a film but for me, as a huge fan of Tolkien and someone who really feels his work was enhanced beautifully in the other 4 films (more so in LotR), there were not enough moments of emotional connection like there were in LotR or even AUJ. I think the film-makers missed an opportunity in the theatrical version and should have made it less of a Super Hero movie and taken out the unnecessary plot lines and set-pieces (Love Triangle, Elves battling in Laketown, Smaug vs Dwarves showdown). The left over screen time should then have been devoted to moments of some of Howard Shore's soaring score work with some shots of Thranduil's Halls (nowhere near enough of that) and perhaps background flashbacks to Beorn's origins. Just some of the deeper moments when you can take a breath and relax for a moment because as a Middle Earth film it needs that.
In my ideal Hobbit movie, I feel the Azog chasing plot line should never have existed. However I did enjoy the Barrels sequence and the spicing up was quite good there so who knows...?
There was a lot that was excellent. E.g: the slow corruption of Bilbo by the Ring (Martin Freeman is fabulous!); the designs for all the races again top notch (the Elves especially good); Thranduil himself was excellent... I mean the list could go on but, for me, there was
just too much in this film that overstepped the mark in terms of poetic licence with Tolkien's wonderful work. I think TABA will be very good and be back up to the heights of AUJ. After DoS, I was left thinking why they ever made it into 3 movies (2 would have been perfect, IMO) because as black1blade said, nothing really happened.
Anyway sorry about that but the rant is finally over

I agree whole heartedly.
I honestly think we would have gotten better The Hobbit films if it had been directed by Guillermo del Toro as originally planned.