Okay, it's been a while but here is what I have been doing recently. Thanks also to everyone for the replies. I really do value the comments - please be as brutal as possible in criticism!
Firstly, here is a tree armature in the making. I am envisioning an oak tree. Obviously the top branches are still to be done and the trunk needs thickening. After that i will be using Tetrion filler to for texture.

Next we have a troll that I am working on. I have one plastic, one metal and a metal chieftain. The two metal are ready for paint. The plastic one requires some major reposing and sculpting which I am currently in the process of. Years ago I removed the lower portion of the breast plate for a reason I now cannot fathom. Here is my attempt at resculpting it:

Next we have my band of Northern Dunedain. These rangers have had a little reposing and bowstrings added as you can see:

My command group consists of a banner (the Blackroot Vale Model - it fits well with the rangers), and two Aragorns, representing generic chieftains of the Dunedain/Arathorn/Arador.

Finally, my elves of Rivendell. I am in the process of converting the swordsmen as shown. I also have some spearmen, however, not only do I need to source shields/ cast some, but I think the heads are too large compared with the plastic warriors and so some head swaps are imminent. As for the archers, I have added bowstrings and arrows where needed, sculpting the fletching with greenstuff.

Oh, and finally finally (I almost forgot), here are some bases I'm making. I have used 1.5mm ply bases, topped with slate and a mixture of smashed slate and Tetrion filler (great stuff). I am having a little difficulty reaching all the unpainted areas, even with a diluted paint mix and a little fairy liquid.
I also need advice on glues or other attachment methods to attach the miniatures. I'm currently thinking maybe two part epoxy?

So there you go, my recent hobby exploits. I really need to get painting now!
Please give criticism, any comments and suggestions are welcome. Also, I just want to say how excellent the other WIPs on this site are - a constant source of amazing miniatures, good discussion and top quality motivation. Thank you everyone!