As promised, here are some more High Elf conversions:

And some more that are currently work in progress, needing greenstuff at the joints:

Having done a numberer of High Elf conversions now, I'm getting increasingly frustrated that there is essentially only a single body pose. In order to rectify this I have been experimenting with repositioning of the cloak. The pictures below show essentially my method, with the figure on the left shown for reference:

(Front of the cloak carved away and scraped smooth)

(Extension of the cloak behind from greenstuff)
Whilst these cloaks still need thinning at the edges and smoothing with a knife and liquid greenstuff, I think it adds a nice bit of variation to otherwise annoyingly identical cloaks.
Also, here is my effort at an orc taskmaster, the original being in my opinion too expensive for what it is:

Finally, a question and a request:
1) I have stripped a number of plastic and metal miniatures with dettol (which incidentally I have found is brilliant for this purpose), and I was wondering if, despite rinsing with washing up liquid, the slight residue (and hence strong smell) of dettol left, is going to hinder painting? Any thoughts?
2) I'm desperately trying to find spare parts from the Knights of Rivendell set (spears - with or without arms, shields and banners). I was just going to put this here just in case anyone had some of these lying around and didn't want them. I have also set up a thread for this in the trading forum:
viewtopic.php?f=38&t=27999Thanks for reading and as always comments and criticism welcome.