It may not make you feel all warm and cozy, but it makes sense to me.
it makes sense to me as well.
legion wrote:
Yeah I also think the change to spears was an attempt to stop the proxying but it also could just be an attempt to be realistic. The spears they carry are way too small to be pikes (but so are the Easterlings halberds, so its not completely convicing). Though Im glad to see them get an update on thier rules. I really hope the GW starts to realize that rules sell models since most of thier customers are gamers.
The change to spears from pikes also makes sense because of the limits of fine cast.

I really hope the GW starts to realize that rules sell models since most of thier customers are gamers
GW writes rules for new models. So no new model no new rule. No siege models for the Hobbit no siege rules. Rules sell lots of models up to a point.
Many of GW's customers are collectors or painters. Just review the forum section. Some of us almost never post in the rules and gaming sections others never post in the painting and work in progress sections. I posted 2900 times mostly in work in progress.Whafrog posted 3082 mostly in game rules. The point is that people have different interest. Most of your friends are gamers most of mine are collectors and painters. Gamers tend to collect one or two main armies and build from the rules. You only need one general so you only buy one. Collectors and painters may buy multiples of characters even of the same pose. I have over 200 ents for example.I collect paint build and game. I have the whole LOTR range. I have larger than average Armies of every faction. I can assure you collectors and painters are a huge part of GW base customers.
I do not collect fine cast. I probably no longer count as a base customer.