Gildor_Inglorion wrote:
Theres particular posters on here who have never said a good word about GW, why do you collect their models or even post on the forum in the SBG section? It makes no sense at all. When 7th WF came out, I played 1 game and didnt touch it again. I didnt endlessly drone on about it on forums and take it personally! I just got other interests.
There are SBG fans, there are Warhammer fans, there are 40k fans. There aren't really many GW fans, these days. It's not a simple "decision x by gw sucks, so I'll quit", it's more "decision x by gw sucks, but I still love all this stuff they've not buggered up yet, so I'll stick around and complain whenever they do make a mess of something, because god help me, I really like LotR/40k/wfb when they do it well."
Foolish, perhaps, but people who get invested emotionally with something as demanding of it as this hobby will often try to stick with what they like through thick and thin.
I can't drop LotR/Hobbit now, even with all GW's nonesense. It wont be here in a decades time, and I actually like everything about SBG but it's treatment - so I'll work towards making sure that in a decade or two when SBG is a memory, I have a collection of middle earth miniatures that I'm massively proud of, rather than a half collection because I quit over a principle.
But this is starting to sound a bit like beating a dead horse, so I'll leave it there before I get into trouble.