Sooooo it's been ages, and I've been a busy boy!
This year has been very tough indeed, and slightly over a week ago I closed my antique shop- I'm mostly a wholesaler and there just isn't enough business around to justify the rent, sadly. So now I'm back to trading mostly online.
On the plus side though, it's meant I finally have time for a venture I've been wanting to undertake for quite some time- a commission painting service and community driven blog!
Please do head on over to the Facebook page and "like" have a fair few exciting plans, such as a logo competition, community poll on blog subjects, special offers, maybe even a few tutorial videos.
So far I haven't worked scenery making in to the mix, but it's on the way.
The website and blog itself are here: of you may know that Yggdrasil is the "world tree" of Norse mythology, connecting all the different realms of reality. At the roots sit the three Norns, who weave the tapestry of our lives.
Anyway, enough waffle- please do head on over to the Facebook page, and if you have a request for the blog, post it there!
Hobby wise, what have I been up to?
Well, I converted this fellow:

and he's half way through being painted, along with some bow wielding scouts:

You can get the full article about the conversion here: ... 54C5A61026And I painted these guys for a customer and friend:

And I made a LOT of trees!

I'm still having problems with my "snowy" board surface though. I've tried the old bicarbonate of soda, white paint and PVA trick, and it just looks like what I have already. Basically, to my mind there's a rather annoying incongruence between the flocked and realistic looking scenery elements and the rather stark looking board itself.
Any suggestions?
Anyway, just a reminder- I'd be made up if as many of you as wanted to would head on over and like my Facebook page. It'll be worth it, I promise!