WhoelsebutHaldir wrote:
- any others?
Don't forget the little ones!
The Shire can easily field 5 full warbands at 500pts; with Bandobras able to lead Hobbits now, even 6 warbands is possible (all 6 non-independent heroes with 48 militia and 24 archers adds up to 480pts). As much of a horde (not to be confused with hoard) as you can get outside of Goblin Town.
Although generally probably more efficient with some allies (spear support, might, speed), 78 stones hurled in your general direction is pretty scary.
Overall, the pre-warband days were often hordier for the good guys - where e.g. Moria was limited by the max of 50 models at 500pts (as it existed back then), I used to have Haldir and 48 Wood Elves, or Erkenbrand, Eowyn and equally many Rohan infantry (even including some Royal Guard). The former now requires various (relatively expensive) heroes, while troops of the latter can get pretty costly with Helmingas/shield/throwing spear. They can still get quite numerous, but for real hordes, none can beat the Shire.