I started a new WIP - Thread to show my process. I started the hobby in the age of 12 something around 2004 and stopped around 2005. I was never as good as i wanted to be. But i thought giving it a try 10 years later would be bette

I started with repainting my Gandalf the Grey and with buying a Balrog.
Gandalf: I never was familiar with facepainting - tried to get a solid base with dwarf flesh. Gonna buy sepia wash this week to get some shade...after that I'll try to highlight with kislev flesh...
Balrog: Started with basecoating it with chaos black spray. Did another base of skull white on the cracked skin recesses. Used gitz yellow and a blood red wash. Immediately dabbed the colour with paper. I started only one side, trying to get the right wing done today...
Add: The transision on the mane of Balrog looks like yellow - red. In fact it looks like a smooth transision with orange and black smoke. I try to get better pictures while daylight.
Question: Should I add the whip instead of the sword? ... now i like the whip more...??Gandalf: 


Sorry for the not optimal pictures, these are only iphone 5s pics. I do not have any alternative.
P.S.: Spotted some missing cracks on balrog's right bizeps. Gonna add these soon.

P.P.S.: Spotted missing belt buckles on Gandalf. Gonna add these soon.

Greetings Tom
