
Finally putting together the Angmar army I've always wanted.
I've never painted "Mordor" orcs before. It's quite different from the High Elves/Dwarves and Wood Elves. By that I mean, no real uniformed appearance.
I will get around to painting Gulavhar and Buhrdur pretty soon. Currently waiting for more green stuff from GW. Don't want to even start undercoating until those gaps are filled.
I'm a fairly slow painter in that I prefer to just put a layer on at a time and then go away for a bit. But I need Angmar up and running fairly quickly. The orcs at least.
Also included is a Dragon i'm thinking of allying in with Angmar at some point. I wanted to go for a dark, greyish scheme. Not sure what to do with him next tbh.
Radagast is included too. Still don't feel he's complete yet.
I'd be grateful for any feed back
Getting it together

Orc only with metal bits painted.

Orc with flesh and metal

Orc archer

Orc front with tainted armour

Orc back view



Grey Dragon