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 Post subject: Wartmanrp's Trade List
PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 2:20 am 

Joined: Fri Mar 08, 2013 6:50 pm
Posts: 72
Trade Form

Country: United States (Southeast)

I have:
    * (Arwen ft. (NIB)
    * (Gollum, Sam, Frodo Two Towers version NIB)
    * (Armored Theoden mtd. x3 (one missing sword) )
    * (Aragorn @ Black Gate mtd. x2 (one missing sword) )
    * (Frodo, Sam, Gollum, slopes of Mt. Doom version)
    * (Denethor, Steward of Gondor x2)
    * (Mounted Faramir (minas Tirith armor)
    * (Attack at weathertop Hobbits)
    * (2 unnamed Ringwraiths incl. Witchking (weathertop)
    * (Fellowship Aragorn, Gimli, Boromir, Legolas)
    * (Kings of Men x2)
    * (Khazad Guard x3)
    * (Haldir's Elves w/ bow x3)
    * (all of the above are metal and unpainted.)

    * (Well painted warhammer High elves): ... authuser=0

And I would like:
    * (Rohan Royal Guard mtd. x4)
    * (Gildor Inglorion (want this one baaaad) )
    * (Haldir (unarmoured, prefer sword version) )
    * (Lorien elf bowmen x3 (metal only) )
    * (Dunedain x9)
    * (Warg Chieftain)
    * (Mounted ringwraiths x4)
    * (Mounted Witch King, horse rearing, no armor)
    * (Watcher in the water)
    * (Balrog (metal preferred) )
    * (Khazad-Dum Gandalf)
    * (Metal Uruk-hai scouts x6)
    * (Metal Uruk-hai scout bows x6)
    * (Theodred ft. and mtd.)
    * (Erkenbrand mtd.)
    * (Rohan outriders x3)
    * (Warriors of Rohan x12 (1 sprue) )
    * (Vrasku)
    * (Dunlending command)
    * (dunlending warriors x15 (5 of each weapon) )
    * (Feral Uruks x6)
    * (Isengard troll)
    * (Treebeard)
    * (Warg Attack! (or just sharku)
    * (Gamling mtd.)
    * (wild men of dunland)
    * (Uruk-hai berserkers)

I've never traded here before but I have done a major trade on Bartertown (my whole vostroyan army for what is now most of my lotr collection). I also have an ebay account with good feedback extending back more than 8 years.
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