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 Post subject: some rules questions
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:35 pm 

Joined: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:28 pm
Posts: 7
do models that can move fully and still shoot get -1 to their shoot value? (mumak, gorgoroth, warg maruader, chariot)
the mumak rules state that the haradrim can still shoot if they move below half their movement on top of the mumak when it moves, but does not mention the minus 1

does breathe fire from dragons insta kill monsters (mumak, gorgoroth, troll)

do monstrous cavalry (and cavalry) get plus 1 attack when charging. even if they do not get the knock down?
since it only mentions the knockdown rule i would assume they still get their +1 attack and only lose it when in combat with a cavalry model.
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 Post subject: Re: some rules questions
PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:41 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

Joined: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:19 am
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do models that can move fully and still shoot get -1 to their shoot value? (mumak, gorgoroth, warg maruader, chariot)
the mumak rules state that the haradrim can still shoot if they move below half their movement on top of the mumak when it moves, but does not mention the minus 1

In case of the Mumak and gorgoroth, is the beast that moves, not the archers. If the Archers on the howdah stay still, they can shoot without penalties. If they move, they get the penalty.
The rules do not mention it because the movement penalty came out with the Hobbit's Rules.

do monstrous cavalry (and cavalry) get plus 1 attack when charging. even if they do not get the knock down?

Yes. If the target is S6 or higher, cavalry units still get the bonus attack, but not the knockdown bonus. Is the same when monstruous cavalry attacks units stronger than it.
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 Post subject: Re: some rules questions
PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 11:16 am 

Joined: Tue Aug 02, 2016 8:28 pm
Posts: 7
In case of the Mumak and gorgoroth, is the beast that moves, not the archers. If the Archers on the howdah stay still, they can shoot without penalties. If they move, they get the penalty.
The rules do not mention it because the movement penalty came out with the Hobbit's Rules.

I would say the same applies to the chariot though. Maybe not the warg marauder, but then why can it still move fully and shoot. my problem is that this should be a quick and easy fix in a faq, it has more merit to it then a lot of other answers i see in the errata. and even the gbhl errata does not mention it at all.
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 Post subject: Re: some rules questions
PostPosted: Thu Aug 18, 2016 7:11 pm 
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avantar wrote:
do models that can move fully and still shoot get -1 to their shoot value? (mumak, gorgoroth, warg maruader, chariot)
the mumak rules state that the haradrim can still shoot if they move below half their movement on top of the mumak when it moves, but does not mention the minus 1

does breathe fire from dragons insta kill monsters (mumak, gorgoroth, troll)

do monstrous cavalry (and cavalry) get plus 1 attack when charging. even if they do not get the knock down?
since it only mentions the knockdown rule i would assume they still get their +1 attack and only lose it when in combat with a cavalry model.

1: they don't get penalty if the mumak gorgroth move unless the units move on the platform, warg muraders still get the -1.

2: the dragon breath kills ANY model that it scores a wound on unless it avoids the wound in some way EG: fate

Cav gain there charge bonus attack on any non Cav units. lance's work on any units that you charged. Monstrous Cav knocks down any cav units and foot unit unless they have a Str 6 or more. monstrous cav still get there attack bonus still unless its charging other monstrous cav (unless some one can correct me on that last part that rule hardly comes up for me)
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 Post subject: Re: some rules questions
PostPosted: Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:37 am 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior
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Monstrous cavalry vs monsters, they only get the knock down effect if the charging monstrous mount has a higher strength value than it's opponent

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