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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on changes to the existing rules/range?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 3:22 pm 

Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2014 4:59 pm
Posts: 58
infinateremains wrote:
Completely agree, but as everyone always says, it would be nice to see the throwing weapons unaffected by movement penalties.

LordElrond wrote:
Move and shoot should also be removed for throwing weapons.

Sacrilege83 wrote:
No shooting penalty for movement of models using their throwing weapons.

Throwing weapons already only have half the movement penalty that other shooting weapons have - they can move more than half and still shoot.

Completely take away any penalty and consider how fun it will be for infantry to face a mounted Rohan or Warg Rider army with throwing spears - Move up to 10" every turn and fire spears without penalty?! There was a reason the move and shoot penalty was added in the first place.

IMO the better solution would be throwing weapons don't suffer the -1 *only when shooting at the target they're charging*. That way it makes them more viable in their intended role, without making them OP for cavalry.
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on changes to the existing rules/range?
PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:15 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:27 am
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As it stands now, Throwing weapons are sadly...pitiful and not worth spending so many points on. 2 points for a weapon that is always going to be outclassed by bows which are half the cost? No thanks. Sure I can move and shoot full-distance, but bows don't need to move so close to get in range and won't have to constantly move and take penalties to keep range/distance.

An army with cav with throwing spears will only have a small number of cavalry anyways, the enemy bowmen which generally outnumber them will have short work of their mounts. If they go Pure-Cav, that is a huge investment and will struggle to keep its own without expending loads of might to get heroic charges. From experience, cavalry that is not a no-brainer like Sons of Eorl (but even then) require finesse and a coin-flip to get use out of them. You are dying to lose priority in order to pick your fights in the first engagement and then you have to pour might into 50/50 scenarios to take and keep priority (around the cav) afterwards.

Realistically, only allowing accurate shooting with throwing weapons on the charge is hardly different enough than just removing the penalty altogether. Yes, kiting 8" is possible, but remember that infantry do not have to advance into range and can sit back as their archers pick the cav apart. If Cav win priority, they generally won't be throwing in the shooting phase. If they lose priority, they are forced to choose between charging or throwing. If they sit back, they are getting shot in return.

Having this choice is important for cavalry that can take it, RoR and Warg Riders. As it stands now... if you take throwing spears or throwing knives you will never make back the x*2 point investment. If you grant them unmodified shooting then players might actually pay the premium cost that would have equated to more cav and thus more dice/wounds in fights because there is finally a decision to be made of "throw or not to throw?" instead of "Why throw?".

The model that might be a worry would be Elves on horseback, but their throwing weapons are 6" and puts them into threat-range.

If you are not taking archers to harass enemy cav anyways, that is the gamble you are taking when you make your list.

And that concludes Commi's incoherent counter-arguments. Have a nice day! <3

- Wild
Battle Companies Developer

(CE) Battle Companies 2016 Edition
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on changes to the existing rules/range?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:15 am 
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Joined: Sun Jul 26, 2015 3:23 pm
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Do we think there will be a change to the spear rules/go back to the old spear rules where you can't support a bigger base size?
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on changes to the existing rules/range?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:39 pm 
Elven Warrior
Elven Warrior

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infinateremains wrote:
Do we think there will be a change to the spear rules/go back to the old spear rules where you can't support a bigger base size?

I hope that. As things are now, the rule is just ridiculous.
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 Post subject: Re: Thoughts on changes to the existing rules/range?
PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 3:58 pm 
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Joined: Wed Oct 29, 2014 12:27 am
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Agreed. While it is okay to suggest the concept "the models are in motion", there is only so much that this concept can be applied to. 60mm is a whole lot of motion to represent a goblin darting in between legs of a dragon or troll. Also, going back to the previous ruling makes Troll spears more relevant!

Just to have it said again: What I want fixed is LOS and Cover.... No more Dragons getting 25 in the way checks from the goblins that come up to his ankles when his wings are blotting out the sun.

Maybe creatures that are large enough, qualified as monstrous in their special qualities, cannot receive in the way checks from models. Maybe tack terrain into that. Though then more clarification needs to be made for the flip-argument of having a castle hiding all but the tail of the dragon.

This demonstrates that the wording and criteria needs to be changed dramatically for all of cover's interactions with models.

- Wild
Battle Companies Developer

(CE) Battle Companies 2016 Edition
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