Maybe your first question is formulated in a little misleading way, the spear support is given to a friendly model, but of course this friendly model must be an evil one. Sorry for this remark, but I stumbled over it when thinking about answers.
O.k., my answers, as far as I know: 1. Yes, it is allowed for a good model to target an evil model giing spear support to a fight. The supporting model is noch part of the melee, so there ist noch risk to hit another good model.
2. If the shooting good model has a clear line of sight, or a line of sight with some obstacles in the way, which are not good models or other fights, to the evil spear supporting model, it is allowed to shoot. It is not necessary to test for hitting the evil fighting model, because the supporting model is not in the melee. But if the fight itself woulf be in the way, the good model cannot shoot, because then his fighting comrade can be hit. If a fight is in the way, one cannot pick out a special models for the in the way test, but one has to roll a die whether it is the nearest evil modle (on 1-3) or the tegeted goog model (4-6). Good models cannot shoot into fights. 3. If the supported model in the fight ist killed in the shooting phase, maybe by an arrow from the evil side which went astray, and if this model was the only evil model in base contact with the good model(s), then there will be no fighting. The spear sopporting model has no base contact with the good model in the fight. But of course, if there were two evil models in the fight and one of them is killed by an arrow, then the fight will go on with the remaining evil model.
I hope this helps.