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 Post subject: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 6:44 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:32 pm
Posts: 116
Games Workshop/Forgeworld Model List



Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Weathertop OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Amon Hen OOP
Three Hunters 1 OOP
Three Hunters 2
Warg Attack Mtd
Defenders of Rohan OOP
Helms Deep OOP
Heroes of the West OOP
The Black Gate Ft and Mtd
Death of Gothmog OOP

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Mtd, Fellowship OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Amon Hen, dying OOP
Captain of the White Tower Ft and Mtd (Banner or sword arm option)

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Amon Hen OOP
Three Hunters 1 OOP
Three Hunters 2
Mtd with Gimli
Mtd with bow OOP
Defenders of Rohan OOP
Helms Deep OOP
Heroes of the West OOP
Hobbit with Tauriel
Mirkwood Hunters Ft and Mtd
Defenders of Laketown OOP

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Amon Hen OOP
Three Hunters 1 OOP
Three Hunters 2
Mtd with Legolas
On dead Uruk-hai OOP
Defenders of Rohan OOP
Helms Deep OOP
Heroes of the West OOP
Death of Gothmog OOP

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Barrow Downs Paralysed OOP
Weathertop OOP
Mtd with Arwen OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Two Towers with Gollum and Sam OOP
Captured by Gondor OOP
With Fell Beast OOP
Clutches of Shelob
Orc Armour OOP
Mount Doom OOP
Scouring of the Shire Mtd
Ringbearer, Invisible OOP
Invisible, alternate OOP

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Sam with Bill the Pony OOP
Barrow Downs Paralysed OOP
Weathertop OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Two Towers with Gollum and Frodo OOP
Captured by Gondor OOP
Clutches of Shelob
Orc Armour OOP
Mount Doom OOP
Scouring of the Shire Mtd

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Barrow Downs Paralysed OOP
Weathertop OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Captured by Uruk-Hai OOP
Fangorn Forest OOP
Carried by Treebeard
Carried by Treebeard 2 NEW
Merry Ent Draught NEW
Merry and Eowyn Ft and Mtd
Fall of the Witch-King OOP
Fate of the Witch-King OOP
Heroes of the West OOP
Scouring of the Shire Mtd

Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Barrow Downs Paralysed OOP
Weathertop OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Captured by Uruk-Hai OOP
Fangorn Forest OOP
Carried by Treebeard
Carries by Treebeard 2 NEW
Pippin Ent Draught NEW
Pippin and Gandalf Ft and Mtd
Heroes of the West OOP
Scouring of the Shire Mtd

Gandalf the Grey:
Fellowship of the Ring 1 OOP
Fellowship of the Ring 2/Mines of Moria
Orthanc OOP
Rivendell OOP
Breaking of the Fellowship OOP
Khazad Dum OOP
Thorins Company
Hobbit 2nd variant OOP
Hobbit with Bilbo OOP
with Cart
White Council OOP

Gandalf the White:
Gandalf with Pippin Ft and Mtd
Minas Tirith Ft and Mtd OOP
Helms Deep Mtd OOP
Heroes of the West OOP



Captured by Gondor
Armoured Ft and Mtd
Heroes of the West OOP
Captain of Ithilien, Mtd OOP

Steward of Gondor OOP
Forgeworld with Irolas

Prince Imrahil Ft and Mtd

Hurin, Warden of the Keys Ft and Mtd






Forlong the Fat, Lord of Lossarnach

Angbor, Chief of Lamedon

Duinhir, Lord of Morthond, the Blackroot Vale

Anborn NEW

Mablung NEW

Specialist and Standard

Gondor Commanders
Guards of the Fountain Court
Citadel Guards with Bows and Spears
Citadel Guards with Spear 2 OOP
Osgiliath Veterans
Gondor Battery Trebuchet with crew
Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower with crew
Knights of Minas Tirith (Metal) OOP
Knights of Minas Tirith (Plastic)
Warriors of Minas Tirith
Faramirs Rangers (x4 variants) OOP
Rangers of Middle Earth
Knights of Dol Amroth Command Ft and Mtd OOP
Knights of Dol Amroth Banner Ft and Mtd OOP
Knights of Dol Amroth Mtd (Metal x4 variants)OOP
Knights of Dol Amroth Mtd (Plastic)
Knights of Dol Amroth Ft (Metal x4 variants)OOP
Knights of Dol Amroth Ft Forgeworld
Men at Arms of Dol Amroth
Warriors of the Fiefdoms (Clansmen of Lamedon, Axemen of Lossarnach)
Minas Tirith Banner Bearer Mtd OOP
Minas Tirith Banner Bearer Ft OOP
Minas Tirith Captain Ft OOP
Minas Tirith Banner Bearer Ft version 2 OOP
Minas Tirith Captain Ft version 2 OOP
Blackroot Vale Archers Command OOP



Defenders of Rohan OOP
Helms Deep Ft and Mtd OOP
Warg Attack Mtd OOP
Pelennor Fields Ft and Mtd OOP
King of Rohan Ft and Mtd

Defenders of Rohan OOP
Ft and Mtd OOP
Marshal of the Riddermark OOP
Marshal of the Riddermark 2 NEW

Helms Deep OOP
Heroes of the West Ft and Mtd OOP
Fall of Witch-King OOP
Fate of Witch-King OOP
Eowyn and Merry Ft and Mtd
Death of Gothmog OOP

Ft and Mtd with Standard
Helms Deep OOP
Mtd with Sword OOP

Defenders of Rohan
Ft version OOP

Theodred, Prince of Rohan, Ft and Mtd

Erkenbrand, Ft and Mtd

Elfhelm, Captain of Rohan, Ft and Mtd

Deorwine, Chief of the Kings Knights, Ft and Mtd

Helm Hammerhand Ft and Mtd




Eorl the Young, Ft and Mtd

Specialist and Standard

Rohan Commanders
Rohan Captain Ft and Mtd
Rohan Banner Bearer Ft and Mtd
Rohan Captain Ft (2nd variant) OOP
Rohan Banner Bearer Ft (2nd variant) OOP
Rohan Royal Banner Bearer Mtd OOP
Helmingas Command
Riders of Rohan
Warriors of Rohan
Rohan Royal Knights
Rohan Royal Guard
Rohan Outriders Mtd (x3 variants)
Rohan Outriders Ft (x2 variants)
Sons of Eorl



Prone with Isildur, Last Alliance

Prologue Ft
Mounted OOP
Ringbearer, Invisible OOP
Prone with Elendil, Last Alliance

Specialist and Standard

Kings of Men x4 variants OOP
Warriors of Numenor
Warriors of Numenor with bows (x4 variants)
Warriors of Numenor with Spear (x4 variants)

Arnor & The Dunedain


With Sword
With Sword and Standard
With Horn and Standard OOP

King Arvedui OOP
Malbeth the Seer OOP

Specialist and Standard

Dunedain of the North (x6 variants)
Rangers of the North (x6 variants)
Grey Company OOP
Warriors of Arnor Command OOP
Warriors of Arnor OOP

Dale & Laketown


Girion, Lord of Dale

King Brand NEW

Bard II of Dale NEW

With Windlance
With Bow
Ft and Mtd
Defenders of Laketown OOP

Alfrid the Councilor
Alfrid Lickspittle OOP

Master of Laketown



Bard’s Family (Bain, Sigrid and Tilda)

Specialist and Standard

Captain of Dale OOP
Captain of Dale (assembly options) NEW

Dale Windlance x2 crew NEW

Banner Bearer of Dale NEW

Hornblower of Dale NEW

Knights of Dale NEW

Warriors of Dale

Lake-town Guard Captain OOP

Lake-town Guard with bows

Lake-town Guard with spears

Lake-town Guard with swords

Lake-town Militia Captain OOP

Lake-town Militia with bows

Lake-town Militia with two handed weapons

Lake-town Militia with swords and shields




Lord of Rivendell Ft and Mtd
Fellowship Prologue
Master of Rivendell OOP
Vanquishers of the Necromancer OOP
White Council OOP

Ft and Mtd
Mtd with Frodo OOP
Fellowship Ft OOP

Armoured Ft and Mtd
Unarmoured Ft OOP

Armoured Ft and Mtd
Unarmoured Ft OOP

Unarmoured Ft and Mtd OOP
Armoured Ft


Gildor Inglorian OOP


Specialist and Standard

Elf Command
High Elf Warriors
Knights of Rivendell
Elves of the Last Alliance



Fellowship with Mirror
Protectress of Lorien OOP
White Council OOP
Vanquishers of the Necromancer OOP

Fellowship with Mirror

Helms Deep Bow OOP
Helms Deep Sword
Fellowship with sword OOP
Fellowship with bow OOP

Rumil OOP
Rumil Plastic NEW

Orophin NEW

Specialist and Standard

Galadhrim Commanders
Haldirs Captain with Sword OOP
Guards of the Galadhrim Court
Haldirs Elves with Bows Armoured OOP
Haldirs Elves with Swords Armoured OOP
Wood Elf Command OOP
Wood Elf Sentinels OOP
Haldirs Wood Elves with Bows (x4 variants) OOP
Galadhrim Knights
Galadhrim Warriors
Wood Elf Warriors



Armoured, King of Mirkwood Ft and Mtd
King of the Woodland Realm on Elk
Unarmoured King of Mirkwood Ft
The Elvenking OOP
Old variant OOP

Hobbit with Legolas Greenleaf
Mirkwood Hunters
Defenders of Laketown (assembly options) OOP

Specialist and Standard

Mirkwood Armoured Elf Captain
Palace Guard Captain 1
Mirkwood Ranger Captain 1
Palace Guard Captain 2 OOP
Mirkwood Ranger Captain 2 OOP

Palace Guards
Mirkwood Rangers
Mirkwood Armoured Warriors
Mirkwood Armoured Elf Cavalry



Thror, King Under the Mountain

Thrain, Lord of Erebor
Thrain the Broken OOP

Thorins Company (Thorin (assembly options), Balin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bombur, Bofur, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Dori)

Champions of Erebor (Thorin, Balin, Dwalin (assembly options), Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bombur, Bofur, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Dori)

Barrels out of Bond (Thorin, Balin, Dwalin, Fili, Kili, Bifur, Bombur, Bofur, Oin, Gloin, Ori, Nori, Dori)

Heirs of Erebor (Thorin, Kili, Fili) OOP

The Kings Champions (Balin, Dwalin, Gloin, Oin)OOP

The Three Brothers (Ori, Nori, Dori) OOP

The Three Cousins (Bifur, Bombur, Bofur) OOP

Young Thorin, Balin and Dwalin

Thorin Oakenshield vs Azog

Thorin III 'Stonehelm' NEW

Specialist and Standard

Captain of Erebor OOP
Grim Hammer Commander OOP
Warriors of Erebor
Grim Hammers

Iron Hills


Dain Ironfoot, Lord of the Iron Hills
King Dain Ironfoot, with Red Axe NEW
King Dain, Old Metal variant OOP

Specialist and Standard

Iron Hills Dwarf Command with Mattocks
Iron Hills Dwarf Command with Spears
Iron Hills Chariot with crew
Iron Hills Ballista with crew
Iron Hills Dwarves with Mattocks
Iron Hills Dwarves with Spears
Iron Hills Dwarves with Crossbows
Iron Hills Goat Riders
Iron Hills Dwarf Warriors

Khazad Dum


Balin, King of Moria

Durin, Ruler of Khazad Dum

Floi Stonehand


Specialist and Standard

Dwarf Kings x4 variants OOP
Dwarf Commanders
Dwarf Captain (2nd variant) OOP
Dwarf Banner Bearer (2nd variant) OOP
Khazad Guard
Iron Guard
King’s Champion and Heralds
Dwarf Ballista with crew
Vault Warden Team (x2 variants)
Dwarf Warriors with bows (Metal x3 variants)OOP
Dwarf Warriors (Metal x3 variants) OOP
Dwarf Rangers
Dwarf Warriors



Fellowship of the Ring with red Book
Thorins Company (stick or arm variant)
Champions of Erebor
Barrels out of Bond
Bilbo with Smaug
with Gandalf hopping fence OOP
Riddles in the Dark
Bilbo Baggins with Sting OOP
Limited Edition Bilbo with Sting OOP
Ringbearer, Invisible young (Smaug) OOP
Ringbearer, Invisible old OOP

Bandobras Bullroarer Took Ft and Mtd

Farmer Maggot and Hounds (x3 Grip, Fang, Wolf)

Hobbits of the Shire (Paladin Took, Fredegar Bolger, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Hornblower)

Folco Boffin

Farmer Cotton

Ted Sandyman

Lotho Sackville-Baggins

Will Whitfoot

Baldo Tulpenny

Holfoot Bracegirdle

Robin Smallburrow

Rosie Cotton

Gaffer Gamgee

Specialist and Standard

Hobbit Militia
Hobbit Archers
Hobbit Shirrifs


Cirdan, the Shipwright

Radagast the Brown:
Old Variant OOP
Hobbit with Sebastian
On Rabbit Sleigh
On Great Eagle
Goblin Town exclusive OOP

Army of the Dead:
King of the Dead and Heralds
King of the Dead (Metal) OOP
Banner Bearer
Rider of the Dead (x2 variants)
Warriors of the Dead (Metal x6 variants) OOP
Warriors of the Dead (Plastic)

Murin and Drar OOP

Tom Bombadil and Goldberry

Barliman Butterbur NEW

Harry Goatleaf NEW

Bill the Pony NEW
Bill the Pony with Sam OOP

Woses of Druadan Forest:
Woses Warriors (x3 variants)

Beorn, Man and Bear
Beorn with Axe
Grimbeorn NEW
Beornings (assembly options) NEW

Treebeard OOP
Treebeard Mighty Ent NEW

Quickbeam NEW

Ent (Plastic with variants)
Ent (Metal x2 head and arm variants) OOP

Gwaihir Orthanc (Metal) OOP
Gwaihir Hobbit OOP
Gwaihir, The Wind Lord
Great Eagles

Forces of Darkness

Mordor & Angmar


The Dark Lord
The Necromancer

On Fell Beast (Metal) OOP
On Fell Beast (Plastic)
Ft and Mtd
Mounted Black Rider OOP
Weathertop/Nazgul Ft
Twilight OOP
Dol Guldur
The Fall of the Witch-king OOP
The Fate of the Witch-king OOP
Of Angmar (Plastic with variants) NEW

Nazgul Ft
The Easterling Ft and Mtd
Dol Guldur

Fell Beast (Metal) OOP
Fell Beast (Plastic x2 head variants)
Twilight x2 OOP
Mounted Black Riders (x9 possible variations) OOP
Nazgul Ft x7
Dol Guldur x7 (The Dark Headsman, The Forsaken, The Lingering Shadow, x2 Abyssal Knights, x2 Slayers of Men)
The Dark Marshall Ft and Mtd
The Shadow Lord Ft and Mtd
The Undying Ft and Mtd
The Tainted Ft and Mtd
The Dwimmerlaik Ft and Mtd
The Betrayer Ft and Mtd
The Knight of Umbar Ft and Mtd

The Mouth of Sauron Ft and Mtd

Ft and Mtd (1st variant ) OOP
Ft and Mtd (2nd variant)
Death of Gothmog OOP

Morannon Orc Command (Metal) OOP
Forgeworld version

Gothmog’s Enforcer/Murgash

The Two Towers (Metal) OOP
Forgeworld version

Forgeworld version
Ugluk holding his head lol



Razgush, Ravager of the North NEW

Muzgur, Ravager of the North NEW

With Mithril Vest
With Sword and Shield


Hill Troll Chieftain Buhrdur

Gulavhar, the terror of Arnor OOP

Specialist and Standard

Mordor Troll Chieftain
Mordor Troll (Plastic, lots of variants including drummer)
Metal Mordor Troll OOP
Black Guard of Barad-dur Commanders
Black Guard of Barad-dur
Black Numenorean Warriors
Morgul Knights (Metal x2 variants) OOP
Morgul Knights (Plastic)
Morannon Orc Commanders
Morannon Orc Commander 2nd variant OOP
Morannon Orc, Death of Gothmog OOP
Mordor Orc Commanders
Mordor Orc Captain (2nd variant) OOP
Mordor Orc Standard (2nd variant) OOP
Mordor Orc Captain (3rd variant) OOP
Mordor Orc Captain (4th vatiant) OOP
Morannon Orc Warriors (Metal x3 variants) OOP
Mordor Orc Warriors (Metal x18 variants) OOP
Morannon Orc Warriors
Mordor Orc Warriors
Great Beast of Gorgoroth and Crew
Mordor War Catapult with Troll and crew
Mordor Siege Bow with crew
Mordor Uruk-Hai (x6 variants)
Castellans of Dol Guldur (x3 variants)
Orc Trackers
Morgul Stalkers OOP
Orc Shaman Ft and Mtd
Warg Riders (Plastic)
Wild Warg Chieftain
Wild Wargs
Dead Marsh Spectres OOP
Shade OOP
Bat Swarm
Barrow Wights OOP
Spider Queen and Swarm OOP
Giant Spiders OOP



(Metal) OOP
(Metal, plastic wings) OOP
(Denizens version with sweeping arm) OOP
(Plastic) (whip or sword arm options)

Dweller in the Dark (head and arm variants, x4 combinations)

The Watcher in the Water
Watcher head and tentacles OOP

Durburz, Goblin King of Moria

Groblog, King of the Deeps

Druzhag, the Beastcaller OOP

Ashrak, the Spiderkin OOP

Specialist and Standard

Cave Troll
Cave Troll Mines of Moria OOP
Cave Troll with Spear/Hammer and Chain OOP
Moria Goblin Commanders
Moria Goblin Captain (2nd variant) OOP
Moria Goblin Shaman (2nd variant) OOP
Moria Goblin Prowlers OOP
Gundabad Blackshields Command OOP
Gundabad Blackshields OOP
Armoured Moria Goblin Archers OOP
Armoured Moria Goblin Warriors OOP
Moria Goblins
Warg Marauder OOP

Gundabad & Dol Guldur


Ft and Mtd
On Ft (2nd variant) OOP
Flail with Thorin Oakenshield

Bolg Ft and Mtd

The Keeper of the Dungeons OOP

Yazneg Ft and Mtd

Fimbul Ft and Mtd


The Keeper of the Dungeons NEW

Specialist and Standard

Gundabad War Bats NEW
Troll Brute
Gundabad Troll with Scythe Gauntlets
Gundabad Troll with Crushing Club
Gundabad Ogres
Gundabad Orc Captain
Gundabad Berserkers
Gundabad Orcs
Gundabad Orc Upgrade Set
Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs
Hunter Orcs
Fell Wargs
Mirkwood Spiders

Isengard & Uruk-hai


Saruman the White and Grima Ft and Mtd with Palantir
Saruman Mtd
Orthanc with Palantir OOP
Holding Palantir OOP
Two Towers version OOP
Scouring of the Shire
White Council 1st version OOP
White Council Hobbit OOP
Vanquishers of the Necromancer OOP

Grima Wormtongue:
Two Towers version OOP
Scouring of the Shire
with Saruman and Palantir

Amon Hen OOP
with Sword
Alternative with Bow OOP




Sharku, Warg Rider Captain, Ft and Mtd

Specialist and Standard

Isengard Troll
(Metal) x2 variants OOP
Uruk-hai Siege Assault Ballista with Crew
Uruk-hai Siege Troops (x 8 engineers, x2 Berserkers, x2 bombs, x4 ladders) OOP
Uruk-hai Battering Ram with crew OOP
Fighting Uruk-hai Commanders
Uruk-hai Scout Commanders
Uruk-hai Captain (1st variant) OOP
Uruk-hai Captain (2nd variant) OOP
Uruk-hai Standard (1st variant) OOP
Uruk-hai Standard (2nd variant) OOP
Feral Uruk-hai
Uruk-hai Berserkers
Uruk-hai with Crossbows
Uruk-hai Scouts (Metal x7 variants) OOP
Uruk-hai Scouts (Plastic)
Uruk Hai Warriors
Warg Riders (Metal x3 variants) OOP

Goblin Town


Goblin King:
Goblin Town
Throwing Goblin OOP

Grinnah, Goblin Lieutenant

Specialist and Standard

Goblin Scribe
Goblin Captain (1st variant)
Goblin Captain (2nd variant) OOP
Goblin Mercenary Captain
Goblin Mercenaries
Goblin Warriors



Dragon Emperor of Rhun NEW

Amdur, Lord of Blades, Ft and Mtd

Rutabi, Hero of Rhun NEW

Brorgir, Hero of Rhun NEW

Specialist and Standard

Black Dragon Warriors NEW
Easterling Acolytes NEW
Easterling Commanders
Easterling Standard Bearer (Metal) OOP
Easterling Dragon Knight Mtd
Easterling Dragon Priest Mtd OOP
Easterling Kataphrakts (Metal x3 Variants) OOP
Easterling Kataphrakts (Plastic)
Easterling Warriors (Metal x4 variants) OOP
Easterling Warriors



Khandish King Ft and Mtd in Chariot

Specialist and Standard

Khandish Charioteer (axe and bow weapon option)
Khandish Chieftain Ft
Khandish Chieftain Mtd OOP
Khandish Horsemen
Khandish Warriors (x6 variants)



Dalamyr, Fleetmaster of Umbar

Delgamar, Gatemaster of Umbar

Specialist and Standard

Corsair Bo'sun and Captain
Corsair Arbalesters
Corsairs of Umbar



Suladan, the Serpent Lord Ft and Mtd
Suladan Ft and Mtd (Metal variant) OOP

Raza, Fang of the Serpent (Head variants)

Mahud King Ft and Mtd OOP

Golden King of Abrakhan (with x2 palanquin bearers)

Mumak War Leader Ft and Mtd on Mumakil

Specialist and Standard

War Mumak of Harad (x2 variants)
Mumak Champion
Mumak Mahud
Haradrim Commanders
Haradrim Chieftain Ft and Mtd OOP
Haradrim Standard Bearer (2nd variant) OOP
Serpent Guard
Serpent Riders
Haradrim Raiders (Metal x2 variants) OOP
Haradrim Raiders (Plastic)
Mahud Raiders (x4 variants) OOP
Mahud Warriors OOP
Mahud Warriors with Blowpipes OOP
Half Trolls
Watchers of Karna
Abrakhan Merchant Guard
Haradrim Warriors



Thrydan Wolfsbane Ft and Mtd

Gorulf, Ironskin

Frida, Tallspear

Oathmaker, Wild Man Chieftain

Specialist and Standard

Dunlending Huscarls
Dunlending Chieftain
Dunlending Banner Bearer
Dunlending Warriors (x6 variants)
Dunlending Horsemen
Wildmen of Dunland (x4 variants)



Sid Briarthorn

Rowan Thistlewood

Bill Ferny

Specialist and Standard

Ruffians (x6 variants)



Golfimbul Ft and Mtd

The Trolls (Tom, Bill and Bert) (assembly options)


Cave Drake


Two Towers with Sam and Frodo OOP
Captured by Gondor OOP
Mount Doom OOP
Riddles in the Dark
With Fish in Boat
Ringbearer, Invisible OOP


Weathertop Fire OOP
Gollum Boat, Riddles in the Dark
Hobbit Hole Upgrade Sets
Rosie Cottons Flowers
Ruined Watch Tower of Amon Sul At Weathertop
Mirror of Galadriel
Palantir Orthanc variant OOP
Lake-town House
Rohan Watchtower and Palisades
Rohan House
Goblin Town
Goblin King Throne
Goblin Town Expansion OOP
Minas Tirith Wall and Gate OOP
Helms Deep Wall and Gate OOP
Ruins of Osgiliath OOP
Ruins of Middle earth OOP
Modular Gaming Hill OOP
Stand Alone Gaming Hill OOP
Casualties of Middle earth OOP
Fell Beast Severed Head OOP
Metal Conversion Sprue OOP
Dead Orcs (Ent Sprue)
Dead Elves (Rivendell Knights)
Dead Hunter Orcs (Hunter Orcs on Fell Wargs)
Dead Easterlings (Easterling Kataphrakts)
Ruins of Dol Guldur NEW
Amon Hen NEW


Gandalf the White
Easterling NEW
Fangorn NEW
Dol Guldur NEW
Angmar NEW
Mines of Moria
The Three Hunters
Army of the Dead
Gondor 2
Mordor 2
The One Ring


Mordor Uruk-hai (7th rare pose) (Metal)
Morgul Stalker (4th rare pose) (Metal)
Mahud Warrior (4th rare pose) (Metal)
Barrow Wight (Metal)
Barrow Wight 2 (Metal)
Peter Jackson Hobbit (x2 worldwide. Impossible to obtain)
Queen Beruthiel (Metal)
Queen Beruthiel's Cats x2 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 2 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 3 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 4 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 5 (Metal)
Corsair of Umber 6 (Metal)
Armoured Boromir without Shield (Metal)
Thorongil/Aragorn ft and mtd with Orc Base (Metal)
Wood Elf Banner Bearer (Metal)
Orc Drummer (rare pose) (Metal)
Unreleased Frodo variant (Metal)
Invisible Frodo Footprints base
Elf Casualty (Metal)
Rohan Casualty (Metal)
Corsair Casualty (Metal)
Black Numenorian (Metal, alternate with axe)
Moria Goblin (Metal, Original design with bow)
Moria Goblin (Metal, Original design with drum)
Moria Goblin Prowlers x2 (Original Perry Brothers Sculpt)
White Numenorian (Metal)
Cave Troll alternate (Metal)
High Elf Captain with long spear (Metal)
Mouth of Sauron Unreleased (Alternate pose, arm lower, palm up)
Ice Balrog Kit
Uruk-hai siege assault Ballista alternate crew x2 (Metal)

Last edited by Dark Istari on Tue Jul 05, 2022 11:34 am, edited 35 times in total.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 7:17 pm 
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Joined: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:32 pm
Posts: 116
Let me know if I've missed anything! Hope this is workable.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 1:28 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:40 pm
Posts: 390
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Wow - that is a lot fine work done by you - congrats

Not sure if I can think of anything missing, but if I do, I'll post here

Well done and thanks

T'was in the darkest depths of Mordor, I met a girl so fair..
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up and slipped away with her..
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:45 am 
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Joined: Sat Mar 02, 2013 6:32 pm
Posts: 116
ja33 wrote:
Wow - that is a lot fine work done by you - congrats

Not sure if I can think of anything missing, but if I do, I'll post here

Well done and thanks

No problem and thanks. I figured it would be a useful list to do as there has been so much released since 2001. The odd model used to pop up that I realised I didn't have so this should help everyone cross things off their lists.

Yes please let me know if you find anything else!
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Fri Nov 13, 2020 2:35 pm 

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Hi Dark Astari - I echo the earlier comments of "Well Done!".

I've been into these figures since the first ones came out. But while a very few of the ones you reference in the Unreleased section I do have (lucky me, I suppose, but they were bought or traded ie no behind the scenes dealing with GW or anyone else!), there are others I've never seen on forum photo / EBay listing / etc let alone on a gaming table. Can I ask if you have photos or other background related to the ones you have in the Unreleased section?

For example:

- All 6 of the Corsairs of Umbar (or are these metal versions of some of the plastic ones)?
- Rider of Rohan (Metal)?
- Wood Elf Commander (Metal)?
- Unreleased Frodo Variant (Metal)?
- Metal Casualties (Elf / Rohan / Corsair)?
- Black Numenorian (Metal, alternate with axe)?
- Original Design Moria Goblins (Metal: Bow / Drum)?
- Perry Bros Moria Goblin Prowlers x 2?
- Wolves x 2 (Metal)?
- Cave Troll alternate (metal)?
- Mouth of Sauron Unreleased (alt pose, arm lower, palm up)?

I've never seen anything relating to these anywhere else except on your list ...................

Keep up the good work!
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2020 8:38 am 
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Redman wrote:
Hi Dark Astari - I echo the earlier comments of "Well Done!".

I've been into these figures since the first ones came out. But while a very few of the ones you reference in the Unreleased section I do have (lucky me, I suppose, but they were bought or traded ie no behind the scenes dealing with GW or anyone else!), there are others I've never seen on forum photo / EBay listing / etc let alone on a gaming table. Can I ask if you have photos or other background related to the ones you have in the Unreleased section?

For example:

- All 6 of the Corsairs of Umbar (or are these metal versions of some of the plastic ones)?
- Rider of Rohan (Metal)?
- Wood Elf Commander (Metal)?
- Unreleased Frodo Variant (Metal)?
- Metal Casualties (Elf / Rohan / Corsair)?
- Black Numenorian (Metal, alternate with axe)?
- Original Design Moria Goblins (Metal: Bow / Drum)?
- Perry Bros Moria Goblin Prowlers x 2?
- Wolves x 2 (Metal)?
- Cave Troll alternate (metal)?
- Mouth of Sauron Unreleased (alt pose, arm lower, palm up)?

I've never seen anything relating to these anywhere else except on your list ...................

Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much! My goal had always been to collect everything at some point and I knew others would feel the same :) I think adding images next to each model might be the next step. I'm glad the list helps. If you think there is a better way to lay it out just let me know.

And yes I can certainly get you images/some background to the above. I can send images in pm if you like?

6 corsairs - I'll send pic. They are different. 2 with bow, 2 with spear and 2 with sword and shield.

Rider of Rohan - There are a few metal poses. I may remove this one as they are the same as the plastic poses I believe. There are metal prototypes of a few models like last alliance and moria goblins but they don't vary from the plastic poses.

Wood Elf Commander - Its pretty much the same model as the existing one except he has a neck so it's another i may remove from list. Its the flag bearer that is original and unreleased

Unreleased Frodo - Someone may correct me on this but I don't see much difference between the pose and the existing metal Fellowship one.

Metal Casualties - Yes I can send pics of these. Great unreleased casualties

Black Numenorian - I'll send pic. Love this model. Similar pose to the existing except he has a brutal and massive 1 handed axe

Original Moria Goblins - I can send you both images although I only have the bow. All that exists of the drummer is a grainy pic but I have it on good authority they were both the original designs for the orcs/goblins for the movies.

Perry brothers Prowlers- I'll send pics. I think these were changed to our current prowlers as the originals looked too similar to normal moria goblins. They are great models though and original poses.

Wolves- I have since removed these as they were infact Queen Beruthiels Cats! Happy to send pics unless you've already seen them before.

Cave Troll - This is the same pose as the one spinning with the hammer, except he doesn't have a chain. A free and independent Troll!

Mouth of Sauron- Very recently got introduced to me. Only for the mounted version his hand isn't pointing. He's gesturing with his palm out. I think this was likely changed as they felt it's not an imposing enough pose for the lieutenant of Barad-Dur. Personally I think it adds a level of character. As he was the negotiator and was no doubt very manipulative.

Hope this helps. Will send pics later today. Did you manage do get both Barrow Wights?
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:28 am 

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Good to have the feedback from someone who seems to be miles ahead in terms of knowing the backgrounds etc; and please do PM me any time.

As to your comments:

- Metal v Plastic etc: I'd keep the metal variants in the list - some people (me!) are only interested in the metal figures so great to see them fully listed.
- Adding Pics: this will be a major project ....... sure you have enough time? But if you do, then perhaps have the bare figure plus a really well painted one? That would be fantastic!

Keep up the good work.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 1:13 pm 

Joined: Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:59 pm
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Or maybe only make pictures of models that are currently not available/sold on GW. Not the ones that are temporaty out of stock, but really out of print.

And maybe a bit late, but can you sent me the pictures mentioned on 14 november.

And most models (except the unreleased versions) I've seen around online, sometime... But I can't remember a second metal ent. Do you have a picture?
Same for some orc captain poses, I think I remember 2, not sure, but 4...? I've clearly missed something. Or is it a minor change?
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 3:31 pm 
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Redman wrote:
Good to have the feedback from someone who seems to be miles ahead in terms of knowing the backgrounds etc; and please do PM me any time.

As to your comments:

- Metal v Plastic etc: I'd keep the metal variants in the list - some people (me!) are only interested in the metal figures so great to see them fully listed.
- Adding Pics: this will be a major project ....... sure you have enough time? But if you do, then perhaps have the bare figure plus a really well painted one? That would be fantastic!

Keep up the good work.

No worries my friend. I've done my research on it so i'm glad it's paying off. Still others I've spoken to that have shown me the way and helped me in ways I wouldn't have thought possible in terms of my dream collection.

That's a good shout then, I'll go through it again and update whether or not they have metal/plastics/resin doubles.

It will be major but I do have the time and models for it. As I have so many, most are not painted, so I will have to search for some decent painted images. I don't have the time really xD but Middle Earth is my major passion so I will make time.

I have sent you a pm. Message me on my social once you see it and I'll get pics to you.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Tue Nov 17, 2020 3:52 pm 
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Dwarves4thewin! wrote:
Or maybe only make pictures of models that are currently not available/sold on GW. Not the ones that are temporaty out of stock, but really out of print.

And maybe a bit late, but can you sent me the pictures mentioned on 14 november.

And most models (except the unreleased versions) I've seen around online, sometime... But I can't remember a second metal ent. Do you have a picture?
Same for some orc captain poses, I think I remember 2, not sure, but 4...? I've clearly missed something. Or is it a minor change?

That's also a good idea. Although since we don't always know when they go OOP it might save future jobs if I get them all done.

And of course, I'll happily send them across. Just drop me a pm and I'll give you my details :)

The second metal Ent can be made from the variants in the same metal Ent box. There are multiple head options and arm options. So if you get the chance make sure you grab one this Saturday with the limited made to order boxes! I actually prefer the old metal ones in many ways. I'll send both pictures.

And there are a few orc captain poses. Both Morannon and Mordor. I'll find these for you as well and send them across :)
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:36 pm 

Joined: Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:56 pm
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A quick note, the metal OOP Easterling warriors actually has four poses rather than 3 (as stated above). I was astonished to realise this when I was painting some of these old guys up today! There's two very slightly different types of spearmen.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Mon Nov 30, 2020 5:06 pm 
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Steinermage wrote:
A quick note, the metal OOP Easterling warriors actually has four poses rather than 3 (as stated above). I was astonished to realise this when I was painting some of these old guys up today! There's two very slightly different types of spearmen.

You are spot on! Different feet positions. Thank you very much :) I will edit.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 12:06 am 
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Hi, you are missing a Bilbo! Your list is the following:
Fellowship of the Ring with red Book
Thorins Company (stick or arm variant)
Champions of Erebor
Barrels out of Bond
with Gandalf hopping fence OOP
Riddles in the Dark
Limited Edition Bilbo with Sting OOP
Ringbearer, Invisible young OOP
Ringbearer, Invisible old OOP

If ''Limited Edition Bilbo with Sting OOP'' is the unique ''Young Bilbo'' released by Forgeworld on Bilbo's birthday, with a fairly neutral standing pose, then you're forgetting the Finecast Bilbo crouched down drawing sting, released early 2013 as direct order only (and recently was available in a MTO). Vice versa works too; either way, a Bilbo is missing!

I'm the good and the bad; you must be the ugly
I'd mess up your face but your momma did it for me!
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2021 3:36 am 
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Many thanks, you are correct! I believe it was also released with a Gandalf model at one point. Having just checked the shelf there are in fact 12 different Bilbos. So I am missing 2! The model that comes with Smaug is the other. Much appreciated :) there was bound to be a few.
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:29 pm 

Joined: Sun Nov 10, 2024 3:11 pm
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Can somebody please send me pictures of those models cause I cant find them online?: Are those actually GW?
Mordor Uruk-hai (7th rare pose) (Metal)
Barrow Wight (Metal)
Barrow Wight 2 (Metal)
Queen Beruthiel (Metal)
Queen Beruthiel's Cats x2 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 2 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 3 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 4 (Metal)
Corsair of Umbar 5 (Metal)
Corsair of Umber 6 (Metal)
Thorongil/Aragorn ft and mtd with Orc Base (Metal)
Wood Elf Banner Bearer (Metal)
Orc Drummer (rare pose) (Metal)
Unreleased Frodo variant (Metal)
Invisible Frodo Footprints base
Elf Casualty (Metal)
Rohan Casualty (Metal)
Corsair Casualty (Metal)
Black Numenorian (Metal, alternate with axe)
Moria Goblin (Metal, Original design with bow)
Moria Goblin (Metal, Original design with drum)
Moria Goblin Prowlers x2 (Original Perry Brothers Sculpt)
White Numenorian (Metal)
Cave Troll alternate (Metal)
High Elf Captain with long spear (Metal)
Mouth of Sauron Unreleased (Alternate pose, arm lower, palm up)
Ice Balrog Kit
Uruk-hai siege assault Ballista alternate crew x2 (Metal)

Great work btw
Thank you!!!
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sun Nov 10, 2024 6:08 pm 

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As I can see you are missing the dead troll base. Is there a way I can send you a photo?
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 Post subject: Re: Complete GW Model List/OOP minis
PostPosted: Sat Nov 23, 2024 3:25 pm 

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Does anyone have the 6 poses of the Corsair of Umbar, the orc drummer and High Elf Captain with long spear?
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