(I haven't read all the thread, so perhaps somebody wrote this before

I believe we will see a 'Spiders' set similar to the 'Fell Wargs' one we have today - 6 spiders(in similar size of the wargs), on 40mm round bases that costs £18.
If in the movie the Spiders will be bigger than that, perhaps we will get a spider set more similar to the 'Mordor/Isengard Troll' set of LotR - Containing one big spider that you can sculpt and glue in diffrent ways, on 60mm round base that costs £25.
Other than that, there is a slight chance that we will get a new orc set from dol goldur that look diffrent than the hunter orcs. Speaking of which, it is very likely that the hunter orcs will have a command set or at least a generic captain later this year.
Also, we can be certain that we will have miniatures of legolas, thranduil and tauriel. I suspect that legolas and tauriel will be foot only and will cost £12, and thranduil will come foot and mounted on his elk and will cost £25. or perhaps he will be on foot only and in the next and final movie we will get a mounted model with him fully armoured.
Another thing we can be certain about is that we will get a mirkwood elves set that will contain 12 elves and that costs £20. Generic captain and command set will probaly be saved to be released to the third film. There's also a slight chance that we will have them on horses too like the rivendell knights.
Bard the bowman, soldiers of laketown, beorn, new versions of the white council and new versions of thorins company are also obvious
